What is Distant Reiki and How can it Help with Coronavirus
We are living in a time of uncomfortable uncertainty around the new Coronavirus. Not only have we been confined to our homes but we feel helpless and scared. Anxiety increases when we feel out of control and right now there is a lot hanging…
We are living in a time of uncomfortable uncertainty around the new Coronavirus. Not only have we been confined to our homes but we feel helpless and scared. Anxiety increases when we feel out of control and right now there is a lot hanging in the balance especially trust and safety. It can be difficult to sort through all the information that is being thrown our way on the internet and social media, so it is difficult to know what to trust right now. The safety precautions are put into place so that we are all at a minimal risk and we all need to do our part to follow these guidelines to try and Stop the Spread. There are people that want to argue against this philosophy and others who have gone so far into the future with negative thinking they cannot focus on today. So the truth as I see it is, we need to try to stay in the present moment as much as possible. Just deal with today and what is happening today. If we all just take this moment by moment, day by day we will get through this and find out we have more strength and resilience than we realized. There is hope for the future and a promise of a brighter tomorrow. This is where Reiki can help you now.
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei, and ki, meaning universal life force energy. Reiki addresses physical and emotional imbalances in the body that can lead to anxiety, depression, or physical illness. When the energies in our bodies get stuck or out of balance we don't feel our best. It can block our creativity and our intuition, which leads to living a life that is not encompassing our full potential. With close proximity to others not allowed or safe right now, distant Reiki is a great option to help you feel better quickly and easily. It is a very powerful way to help yourself and those around you to stay grounded, positive and purposeful in these very trying times. In our homes we need to try to remain calm and uplift those around us so that we can get through this in the absolute best way possible. Children may feel scared and uncertain of what is actually going on, as caregivers we need to try our best to take care of ourselves so we can be patient, kind and resourceful for our children or any other people that rely on us for their care. So now is the perfect time to learn more about distant Reiki and see if this healing energy feel like it could help you right now.
Distant Reiki is when Reiki is sent to a client that is not in the same room as the practitioner. Reiki can be sent to a client that is across town, across the country or on the other side of the world. No distance is too large and the effectiveness of the session is just as powerful as if it were in person. The energy the client receives in a distant healing provides them information to assist healing on all levels, physical, mental and emotional. Distant healing helps soothe anxiety, stress, depression, physical pain, insomnia and many other illnesses.
You do need to set up a specific time to receive the Reiki session. A time will be scheduled and the client has a conversation prior to their appointment to let the practitioner know what they would like to get out of the session. It is helpful for the client to set an intention so they can focus on one or two areas of concern. The energy can be received by the client as they sit or lay down. If it is not possible to be still at the specified time the Reiki will be received just as powerfully if you are going about your day taking care of your responsibilities. That is one of the most wonderful aspects of distant healing. After the session most clients report feeling very relaxed and refreshed. There is a sense of deep peace and well being, with a feeling of relaxation and calm throughout the body. A reduction in pain and stress is also common. It is good to drink plenty of water and pay extra close attention to your intuition over the next several days and coming weeks as it will guide you to make any changes required in order to reach the goals of your intention.
Reiki is a very powerful energy that heals at a very deep level. To experience it is to give your body a wonderful gift of greater healing and balance. It is so loving and nurturing you will feel a difference after just one session. Reiki is growing in popularity as people are seeking out alternative therapies for their health. Try Reiki - at the very least it will be very gentle and relaxing to your mind and body and at the very most it will change your life.
Reiki Getting More Recognition
Reiki is gaining in popularity as more and more people are seeking out complementary therapies for their health and overall wellness. Reiki is currently offered in well known hospitals such as Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic as well...
Reiki is gaining in popularity as more and more people are seeking out complementary therapies for their health and overall wellness. Reiki is currently offered in well known hospitals such as Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic as well as more than 60 US hospitals where Reiki has been adopted as part of patient services, according to a UCLA study. With more and more hospitals offering Reiki as a complement to traditional medical therapies, the benefits to energy healing are beginning to be recognized and implemented in the medical field. Reiki not only enhances traditional forms of medical treatments but it also helps to alleviate side effects that may be experienced during treatments and recovery.
Reiki allows a deep relaxation of both the body and mind, calming the nervous system and releasing deeply held tensions in the body. It accesses the intelligent energies within the body that knows what the body needs for healing. The body is comprised of very complex energies that all work together for optimal health and overall well being, if the energies get blocked or stuck they may get out of alignment and can cause physical or emotional problems. Good health and happiness are how we are supposed to live so when we get back into energetic alignment our health and happiness get activated a positive way and we live our lives from a pure natural state of ease and flow. Energy healing can help balance the energies so they move in more cohesive patterns supporting both physical and emotional health.
Reiki is very gentle and non-invasive, and can be combined safely with all medical treatments and medications. It is a great gift to both your body and mind to receive a session. Knowing what to expect can help you feel more comfortable when trying Reiki for the first time. You will be asked to lay fully clothed on a massage table except for your shoes, generally the lights will be dimmed and relaxing music is played. The practitioner will lightly place their hands on different areas of the body which activates the flow of energy. The practitioner is only the vessel and does not provide the energy, the energy is life force energy that comes from all living things that we all have access to. A session is deeply relaxing and afterwards clients often feel a deep peace and well being in both body and mind. There are many reasons to get Reiki as it can help with just about any health condition from stress and anxiety to reducing pain and helping with addictions. It is also widely used in Cancer treatments and other chronic health conditions. One of the best reasons to get Reiki is it can make you feel better. Reiki soothes the body and mind and makes one feel more connected and grounded leading to an increased awareness to what you are thinking and feeling. So often illogical thinking and conditioned reactions make us waste a lot of time not living in a purposeful way. We are angry, irritated, impatient or fearful and so are not relaxed or peaceful in our interactions with friends or family. Reiki can help you feel more in control of yourself and your life and allows you the chance to choose your thoughts and reactions helping you live a more peaceful and centered life.
Reiki can help you begin to dissolve the familiar patterns of worry and anxiety by living more grounded and in the present moment. As Byron Katie says "It is not the world that makes us suffer it is our thoughts about the world that cause suffering." Reiki can help keep your thoughts in check by making you more aware of the thoughts that can keep getting recycled over and over, the ones that have been telling the same story for 20,30 or even 40 years. These stories never seem to get old but elicit the same emotions of fear, anger and generalized anxiety. Most of the time these thoughts never come true but it seems that the threat is always looming. Reiki can help you discover that your mind is taking you for a ride and you are no longer in control but are just at the mercy of fearful and irrational thought patterns.
Reiki can help reduce fatigue, when you are feeling lethargic or unmotivated. It can replenish your energy and allow more ideas and creative solutions to surface on there own without as much effort and struggle. Often when we are entrenched in problems we are struggling so hard to try to find a solution we get stuck and paralyzed. Reiki can help you relax and allow the solution to surface from within. It lifts you out of a stuck place and frees up your energy so you can get out and enjoy life.
Reiki can help you have more clarity of what you want in life. It helps you to be able to make better decisions about how to spend your time and work toward your goals. It can help you be more clear about your goals so you fall less into the trap of doing what you think others want and more spending time on what you want to do. Reiki can help you get in contact with a deeper part of yourself that always feels calm and centered allowing this connection to naturally lead you to your truest desires and life purpose.
Reiki can also help you make changes in your life, which is not easy for lots of people. Change can be letting go of old habits or releasing responsibilities that no longer serve you and take up too much of your time. Change often requires moving in a completely new direction and getting out of your comfort zone. This can be unsettling and scary but Reiki can help you feel guided and reminds you that there is something bigger and more intelligent at work. It helps you have the feeling we are all here for a larger purpose and everything is going to be okay, it will all work out just fine if we relax and trust, this is the gift we can give ourselves when we silence the mind and feel the well being that is all around us.
Freedom to Choose
When we have freedom, we feel good. Freedom means something different for everyone- financial freedom, freedom from health conditions, freedom to manage your own time, freedom from addictions or freedom from relationships that no longer serve us…
When we have freedom, we feel good. Freedom means something different for everyone- financial freedom, freedom from health conditions, freedom to manage your own time, freedom from addictions or freedom from relationships that no longer serve us. Whatever it is, we all want to feel like we are free. What most people don't realize is we do have more freedom than we know and that is the freedom to choose what we think. What we think has so much power over every area of our life. In many respects what we think determines how we feel and ultimately what we believe not only about ourselves but also about others and the world. At the basis of our life our thoughts are very strong predictors in how far we go and what we achieve in our lives.
When we can see our negative or fearful thoughts for what they really are - old patterning and old tapes that play over and over in our heads and control every situation we encounter we can begin to deconstruct our core beliefs and change them. Changing our core beliefs takes time, effort and practice - it is unlearning all our unhealthy habitual thoughts and replacing them with thoughts that are more true to what is happening in our lives today. So much of our thinking stems from our past, not only past traumas but also past conditioning from caregivers and even as far back as our ancestors. Much of this has nothing to do with our lives today but we stay stuck in these old patterns and beliefs and they keep us stagnant in our life. Getting unstuck means changing our beliefs and moving into the truth. Nothing bad is really ever happening in the present moment and if it is we are busy dealing with it instead of thinking about it. Moving into a place of reality helps us to see a bright future and have faith in ourselves and the world. Reality is pure and clear, not cluttered with old worn out and outdated beliefs. Norman Vincent Peale said "Change your thoughts and you change your world." Your thoughts are really that powerful! So in order to free yourself from everything that is holding you back you must change your thinking. Recognize the patterns and take steps to change them to what is real. The truth is we are all worthy and we are all in this together trying to make life better, happier and more peaceful.
We all have freedom to change our thinking. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have experienced in your life you can change how you think, the brain is malleable and that is a very good thing. We can change how it processes information and how it sees the world. Here are the 3 most important steps to changing old habitual beliefs and negative thoughts.
1. Decide you want to make a change and you are going to pay attention to your thoughts.
2. Recognize when you are in an old pattern or when you are stuck and see if you can see what thoughts are running through your mind. See if you can challenge the thought to see if it is really true. Do you know for a fact this thought is true? Clue: Most of the time the answer to this question is no, but you will need to see for yourself.
3. Change the thought to something that is more helpful to your goal. Example- I can't start dating until I lose 20 pounds or I can't get a new job until I pay off more debt. Whatever the belief that is keeping you from doing something you really want to do needs to change to reflect the truth. I am sure there is someone out there that would love me for who I am right now. I don't need to change before I start dating. I will always have debt so why not look for a new job now. I don't have to accept a new job unless it is something that will be a better fit for what I want to do.
This helps you to give more space to your life and open up options. This is freedom!
4. Practice, Practice and more practice. Old beliefs and patterns crop up in all areas of life, they are always there waiting for an opportunity to serve up some past belief into something you want to do now. Practice recognizing, practice changing and practice new beliefs - over and over again. Truly the only way to make change stick is to keep practicing.
Changing our thoughts and beliefs is most likely a life long process so its best to just get comfortable with the steps you need to take and just keep working them. Getting out of the comfort zone is the goal to living a joyful and fulfilling life. Dreams are possible so try to stay rooted in today and see how beautiful today is and how bright the future looks from a place of true freedom.
Awakening Joy
So lately I have been struggling to feel joy. Not only have the recent events in the world impeded my joy but challenges in my own life have also made it difficult to feel joyful. I was noticing the other day that I didn't even know what I…
So lately I have been struggling to feel joy. Not only have the recent events in the world impeded my joy but challenges in my own life have also made it difficult to feel joyful. I was noticing the other day that I didn't even know what I wanted to do in order to get connected to a happy joyful feeling. I almost felt guilty that I would be thinking about joy when the world is in a state of sorrow. Than I remembered what Abraham Hicks says and that is, you can never help anyone by getting imbedded in problems and low energetic vibrations. The only place you can be of service is in faith, hope and yes joy. With that I decided I really needed to focus myself into a more joyful state of being. At first this seemed so daunting. Everywhere I looked I seemed to bump into negativity and problems. Current events were a constant in my life and I was always pulled into despair, anger and fear. Fear for the future mostly, worried about what might happen and how helpless I feel. So I was finding my quest for joy to be difficult and fleeting. This made me realize I had to pay close attention to what I was focusing on and make a very conscious decision to not only change my focus but also work to hold my focus on good things happening around me. Worry would always want to creep in and steal my joyful moments and as I noticed this I began to become curious. I seemed to be more comfortable in a state of worry than a state of joy. Maybe this was a habit, or maybe I thought if I worried about something enough it would make it not happen. Either way I began to feel as if Joy were a vulnerable place that frankly living there too long scared me. Something would surely pull the rug out from under me at any moment. If I became too focused on joy maybe I would miss the signs of something bad coming and fall into a trap or hole that would be harder to get out of than if I was always on the lookout. This became so interesting to me because I have been doing work on myself for a long time and knew this to be completely false. Worrying about something will never prevent it or help it, it will only make me suffer along the way.
I decided maybe my path to joy started with faith. Keeping the faith that everything is always working out for my highest good. Faith that life is a journey to be lived not perfectly but messy and unpredictable. Faith that if I followed my heart it would always guide me to exactly where I needed to be in this moment. Joy may be a byproduct of faith, trust and following your heart. So I am a work in progress and as I move forward to focus myself more into joy here are a few things I am going to try and do.
1. Keep the Faith - I have faith that the world is safe, and we are moving in the exact direction we are supposed to be moving. The world is messy but maybe we have to get messy in order to change and grow into something better. Like cleaning out a closet you need to make a mess in order to reorganize and make it better.
2. Gratitude - Always appreciate the little things around me that are beautiful and going right. On a recent trip we had dolphins swimming next to our boat and the playfulness and joy that they exude is contagious. They don't seem to have a care in the world and so why shouldn't I live my life more carefree as well. There is way more good than bad if that is where our attention goes.
3. Present moment living - Rarely is there really anything wrong in the present moment. It is our own thoughts that create problems that most often never come true. Day to day life rarely has anything catastrophic happen and when it does we are equipped to handle it.
4. Trust - Trust that everything is working out. Trust that even when I feel negative emotions this too shall pass and trust that I am more resilient than even I know so everything is an ebb and flow.
5. Lighten up - Don't take life, daily hassles and other people so seriously. See that life is supposed to be fun and enjoyed to the fullest. When I lighten up I literally shine my light on others and the world and this not only has a healing effect on me but on everyone else. We really can heal the world one person at a time.
Reiki to Soothe Anxiety
One of the greatest benefits of Reiki is that it is deeply relaxing. Many of my clients have described Reiki as feeling like being covered in a warm blanket and some have even said they can feel the anxiety draining out their limbs…
One of the greatest benefits of Reiki is that it is deeply relaxing. Many of my clients have described Reiki as feeling like being covered in a warm blanket and some have even said they can feel the anxiety draining out their limbs. Reiki calms the nervous system and allows the body to relax and often times reset. When anxiety gets triggered it is very difficult to get back into a state of centered peace. Reiki can help you not only get back into a peaceful state but can ground you into a deeper place inside yourself where peace always is just waiting for you to connect to it. Having a Reiki treatment is so gentle and very soothing. To lay on a massage table fully clothed and have this warm energy move through your body has a very deeply calming feeling. Reiki can leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated by allowing everyday life to feel lighter and less serious. So many things that occupy our thoughts in the daytime are either things we anticipate MIGHT happen but haven't, or dwelling on past mistakes that are long gone and can't be changed. This creates stress, tension, anxiety and sometimes even panic. This gets the nervous system fired up and unless we take very deliberate steps to calm it down can get us worked up to the point where we may experience uncomfortable anxiety for days on end. This is where Reiki can help.
Reiki can calm your thoughts and slow down your emotional reactions. When we get going on the doomsday thought train we experience a flood of emotions that go with that. This gets our insides churning - stomach flutters, indigestion, tightness in the chest, throat constriction and headaches are all possible causes of anxiety. It is amazing that all these things can begin just by thinking a thought that scares us. Most of the time thoughts are not even true for us in that moment. Slowing these thoughts down to a point where we can question them to see if it is something we know to be an absolute fact in this moment is crucial for slowing down the triggers of anxiety. We must get to a place where there is a space between our thoughts and our reactions to the thought. In this space we can pause to see if 1.The thought is true and 2. If thinking this thought will be helpful. Most anxiety thoughts are not helpful and distract us from living our whole lives. Anxiety can interfere with your daily life like taking care of your children, going to work and enjoying happy relationships. It can steal your joy, inner peace and the basic feeling that the world is a safe place.
Reiki can be a very beautiful addition to your life. It can help you shed fear, negativity and anxiety. This leaves your life so much more open to enjoy love, peace and joy, all the bountiful creations and inspirations that make life the fun journey that it is.
I encourage you to give Reiki a try. See how this holistic non-invasive form of natural healing is helping people and changing the world one person at a time.
5 Reasons I Love Reiki
I have been receiving Reiki for many years. It has made such a big difference in my life, I look forward to my Reiki sessions and thought I would try to put into words why I love Reiki so much. Here are my top 5 reasons I love to get…
I have been receiving Reiki for many years. It has made such a big difference in my life, I look forward to my Reiki sessions and thought I would try to put into words why I love Reiki so much. Here are my top 5 reasons I love to get Reiki.
I Feel Better - The number one reason why I love Reiki is because of how it makes me feel. Reiki soothes me and helps me feel more connected and grounded within myself. It helps me by increasing my awareness of what I am thinking and feeling. I am more aware of illogical thinking or conditioned ways of reacting and when I am aware I can choose to do things differently this helps me move forward in life in a more purposeful way and I feel better about the way I am spending my time. I find myself reacting less to the world around me which allows me greater peace of mind. I decide how I want to feel and what I want to do instead of giving my power away to others. For example if I want to feel more relaxed and at peace and someone cuts me off in traffic I can choose to not get upset about it. I can decide that everyday hassles in life will not throw me off and make me react in ways that I will most likely regret. This is the kind of awareness I get when I receive Reiki, it allows me to feel more in control of myself and my life and helps me remember to keep little things in perspective and focus on what's really important.
Relieves Anxiety - Reiki helps me get off the worry train in order to deepen my sense of peace and well being. When my mind begins to go down the familiar track of worrying Reiki brings me back to reality. As Byron Katie says "It is not the world that makes us suffer, it is our thoughts about the world that cause our suffering." Reiki keeps my thoughts in check. I am more aware of my recycled thoughts, the ones that have told the same story for the past 20, 30 or even 40 years. These stories never seem to get old but also elicit the same emotions - Fear, anger and generalized anxiety. The funny thing is the thoughts have never actually come true in my life but the threat is always looming. Reiki helps me recognize this and and slows down the worry train until I can finally get off and take a break. Even though I may get back on once in awhile at least I recognize that I am on the worry train and what I need to do to get off. I am well aware that I am being taken for a wild ride by my own mind!!
Reduces Fatigue - When I am feeling unmotivated, lethargic or just plain lazy Reiki can help me out of this slump. It can help replenish my energy and allow more ideas and creative solutions to problems come in. Often I can get fatigued or even paralyzed by problems I can't seem to solve. If I can stop and give myself Reiki or sit and journal I can often either find a solution I didn't see before or just let the problem be and walk away from it for now. Either way it lifts me out of a stuck place and frees up my energy to get out and enjoy my life.
Clarity - Reiki helps me have much more clarity in what I want in my life. I am better able to make decisions about how to spend my time and work toward my goals. Being clear about my goals and desires makes me know how I want to spend my time and what I really want to be doing on a daily basis to make me feel good. Many times I would fall into the trap of doing what I thought others wanted me to do instead of what I wanted to do. This always leads me to procrastinate and waste time, which leads me to not feel good about myself or my life. Reiki helps me stop and get in touch with a deeper part of myself that is calm and centered. It always knows what is best for me and helps me stay focused on my path.
Make Changes - Sometimes I need to make changes in my life and change is not easy for me. It may be letting go of old habits that no longer serve me or releasing responsibilities that take up too much of my time but don't really serve my life purpose. The need to make changes may come to me through gentle awareness like meditation or by knocking me over the head like an illness or injury. Either way I know Reiki can help me know how to begin making the changes I need to make. Change can be difficult, often times it requires moving in a completely new direction and getting out of my comfort zone. This can be unsettling and scary. Reiki helps me feel guided and reminds me there is something bigger and more intelligent at work. I always have less control than I think and Reiki helps me know that everything is going to be okay, and i love that feeling.
What is Reiki
Reiki is a very powerful healing energy that began in Japan over 100 years ago. It is practiced by millions of people around the world and is gaining popularity as people are seeking out alternative therapies for their health and well being…
Reiki is a very powerful healing energy that began in Japan over 100 years ago. It is practiced by millions of people around the world and is gaining popularity as people are seeking out alternative therapies for their health and well being. Reiki is laying on of hands in order to balance subtle energies in the body. An imbalance of energy may be the underlying cause of many illnesses on both the physical and emotional level. As you receive this treatment Reiki activates the clients natural ability for the body to heal itself. It is a wonderful complement to traditional medical treatments and often times helps reduce or eliminate side effects from medications or other medical treatments.
Not only does Reiki work at a very deep level but it is extremely relaxing. Often times clients report being able to feel anxiety draining out their limbs, some have also described Reiki as feeling like being covered in a warm blanket and experiencing a deep sense of peace and relaxation. There is sometimes a strong knowing that everything will be okay which is a wonderful gift for many clients. After a treatment this deep peaceful sensation in the mind and body can last for hours or days leading to a reduction in pain and stress. This is the most wonderful gift to many people who receive it because generally people leave in a much calmer state than they arrived.
Reiki can also help release old patterns and beliefs that often fuel unwanted behaviors and keep people stuck. Many times people are caught in cycles that they can't seem to escape. For example the same type of relationship playing out over and over or the same problems at the work place even after switching departments or even companies. These tend to be patterns in our thinking or beliefs that many times people are completely unaware of. Reiki can help identify these patterns and release them so people can move more in the direction they are hoping and trying to go, feeling more happy and peaceful in the process.
Reiki can also help aid in healing medical conditions by treating the whole person not just the condition itself. It can help depression, anxiety, chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, arthritis, cancer and the list goes on. When you get in touch with the energy in your body that is the same intelligent energy that heals a cut on your finger, a broken bone in your arm or heals your body after surgery - you are in touch with the energy that can help you heal other conditions as well. Reiki in combination with traditional medical therapies can help you feel better, stronger and may even be able to help you fight disease. Reiki is very difficult to explain or understand, it is easier to experience it. Clients feel the difference in their bodies and their lives as positive changes of feeling better, more relaxed and living a more joy filled life.
Reiki is a very simple process where the client lays on a massage table fully clothes except for their shoes. The practitioner lightly places their hands on different parts of the body to direct the flow of energy and release any energy blocks. Many times clients are in a deeply relaxed state or fall asleep. It is such a gentle process and the healing continues to work for several days to a week after the treatment. I encourage anyone who wants to experience more peace and joy in their lives to experience a treatment and see for themselves how it can benefit them.