Emotion Code
Emotion Code therapy was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson and it is an energy healing technique that helps you uncover and release trapped emotions. Releasing trapped emotions will help you obtain more abundant health, love and happiness in your life. As we let go of old emotional baggage we free up space for more positive thoughts and experiences to enter our lives. It is a wonderful gift to your body and mind to be able to release old emotions so you can live a more full and abundant life, making your dreams a reality and feeling the inherent joy of life.
There is an emotional chart with 60 predetermined emotions, all released emotions come from this list of 60 emotions. They are identified and released one at a time and the process is very simple and easy yet very effective. Most sessions release about 10 emotions and we will compile a list of the emotions and any information around the emotion that is needed to release it.
How it works
➙ All sessions are scheduled for 30 minutes
➙ The session is conducted over the phone
➙ I am a proxy for the client – meaning I connect with the clients energy for the session and release the emotions for them.
➙ The client has an issue they would like to work on or a goal they would like to achieve and we use this as the intention of the session.
➙ The clients subconscious mind answers the questions and finds the emotions from the list of 60 for release.
➙ The client is free to ask questions and we can discuss the emotions as they come.
➙ The emotions are released using a magnet on the governing meridian. This is the meridian in the body that starts between the eyebrows and goes around the head to the bottom of the neck.
➙ After the session, I will send an email to the client with all the emotions and information we gathered during the session.
➙ It takes a few days to process the emotions and the clients should feel lighter and calmer after the session.
➙ We could make huge changes quickly or you may need multiple sessions and it is difficult to know which will be the case before we begin.

" I would not be where I am spiritually, mentally and physically today were it not for my Reiki sessions with Cindy. Over the past years she has helped me to break through some long-held misconceptions and most definitely has reduced my everyday anxiety and stress. I consider Cindy a true blessing in my life's journey! "
Emotion Code Heart wall sessions
Trapped Emotions can create a wall around your heart that can block you from living your best and fullest life. A wall of emotional energy around your heart can be hurting you physically and emotionally, this is called a Heart-Wall. Often a heart wall is created when you experience trauma in your life. This could be a physical or emotional trauma and it could be in childhood or adulthood. According to Dr. Nelson our hearts experience a lot during normal life. Words like “heartache” and “heartbreak” exist because it is our heart that feels pain when we are emotionally injured. We often feel the need to shield or defend ourselves from being hurt again and this is how a heart wall can form, it is literally protecting the heart from future pain. The problem with this is that we are also shielding ourselves from feeling love and it can make us disconnected or isolated from others. Releasing a heart wall is often followed by a profound experience of connection with other people. Much of our personal and spiritual growth comes out of love for and interaction with others. The more open our hearts are, the stronger our connection to one another will be. The more connected we are, the more we can give and receive love, and the richer our lives will become.
A heart wall session is conducted in the same way as an emotion code session. The only difference is the intention to release a heart wall. This usually takes an average of 3 sessions, sometimes more and sometimes less but on average 5-10 emotions can be released per session. Generally, there is a few days to one week processing time before another session can be completed. Heart wall sessions can create a big shift in our lives and it is a wonderful feeling when you have completely released a heart wall. More joy, love and peace can be felt within and these same beautiful emotions can be offered to others in your life. This will help you live a more authentic and fulfilling life.