Distant Healing
What is Distant Reiki?
Distant Reiki is when Reiki is sent to a client that is not in the same room as the practitioner. Reiki can be sent to a client that is across town, across the country or on the other side of the world. No distance is too large and the effectiveness of the session is just as powerful as if it were in person. The energy the client receives in a distant healing provides them information to assist healing on all levels - physical, mental and emotional. Distant healing helps heal from anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, physical pain and many illnesses. The effects of distant healing have been measured in more than 100 experiments conducted over 30 years, and more than half of them are described in the article Distant Healing by Daniel J. Benor, MD. In the abstract, Dr Benor says, “This article reviews 61 studies of distant healing, which is healing that is deliberately sent by one or more healers as an intent, wish, meditation or prayer to a healee who may be in the healers’ presence or may be far away. Distance, even thousands of miles does not appear to limit the effects of healing. Significant effects of distant healing are demonstrated in randomized controlled trials in humans, animals, plants, bacteria, yeasts, cells in a laboratory, and DNA. Fascinating new insights about energy medicine and integrative care are suggested by these studies”. If you think about the internet for example, the internet is energy being transmitted and picked up anywhere in the world. Remote energy healing works in the same way. You cannot see the energy as it travels but it is traveling just the same. Just like you no longer need to plug a phone in the wall to make it work you do not need to be in the same room as a Reiki practitioner to receive energy healing.
Setting A Time to Receive
All distant healing sessions are 30 minutes in length. The client will schedule a session for Reiki to be sent at a prearranged time. It is helpful for the practitioner to speak to the client on the phone, text or email prior to the session to talk about what the client would like to get out of the session and it is helpful for the client to set an intention for what it is they would like to heal. At the appointment time the client can sit or lay down to receive the energy. One of the most wonderful things about a distance healing session is that although being still during the appointment time allows the client to most likely feel sensations that may occur during a session it is not necessary. The session is just as powerful and helpful if the client is going about their day. They can be living their life like normal and the energy will still be received in a healing way.
After Your Session
Most people report feeling very relaxed and refreshed after a session. Drink plenty of water and pay attention to your intuition over the next week as it will guide you to make any changes you need to make to reach your desired intention.
Group Distant Reiki
Now offering group Distant Reiki sessions. Once a month I will be offering a group Reiki session on a specific topic, Reiki energy is very wise and knows what each person that participates needs to heal. When you sign up for a group Reiki session you will be able to set an intention and the healing energy will focus in on that intention just for you, while also healing anything else you may need healed around that topic. Participating in a group session is very powerful as all the members are asking and the group field creates a very strong and loving energy that encompasses all the needs of the participants. This is a beautiful energy for the entire group to be encircled in. Click on schedule an appointment, choose the topic, date and time of the group Reiki session you would like to attend. At the time of the session sit or lay comfortably while I send you Reiki for 30 minutes. I will send out an email to the group after the session with any helpful messages and insights. Feel free to email me at ccarlson10@att.net with any questions. Energy healing is a very powerful and gentle way to release patterns, blocks and resistance to living a joyful, prosperous and harmonious life. Hope to see you there!
For more information contact Cindy Carlson or call 414-758-0657 to schedule an appointment.