Reiki and Chakras
Reiki and Chakra Balancing
Reiki helps address energy imbalances in the body, this can help balance your chakras. There are seven main chakra centers in the body, each relating to specific areas of our bodies and mind. Reiki can help open and clear any blocks in the chakras allowing the energy to move freely in and around the chakras as well as connecting them in healthy patterns. If you are not familiar with the chakras here is a brief description of each of the main seven chakra centers.
Root Chakra – Reproduction system, tailbone, legs and feet. The root helps you feel safe in your body and financial needs. It allows you to feel grounded, safe and governs your physical energy.
Sacral Chakra – Spleen, ovaries, urinary tract, kidney and adrenals. The sacral chakra helps with your feelings and emotional needs, including boundaries, trust, warmth, intimacy, addictions, attachments, letting go and joy.
Solar Plexus Chakra – Pancreas, stomach, liver, small intestines blood sugar and digestion. The solar plexus governs mental energy – will power, control, beliefs, criticism and perfectionism. It is where your confidence and flexibility reside.
Heart Chakra – Thymus, heart, lungs, blood pressure and immune system. The heart chakra governs harmony, trust, lovingness, balance of giving and receiving, open to new ideas, new people and centeredness.
Throat Chakra – Thyroid, neck, ears, respiratory system, sinus and allergies. The throat chakra governs open, clear communication of thoughts and feelings. Creativity, speaking up for oneself and breathing.
Third Eye Chakra – Pituitary gland, eyes and nervous system. The third eye chakra governs visualizing, manifesting, compassion, intuition and wanting to be of service to others.
Crown Chakra – pineal gland, head and central nervous system. The crown chakra governs oneness, non-reactivity, serenity and spiritual love to people, animals and the planet. The crown is where we feel unconditional love for ourselves and other.
When the chakras are in balance it is easier to find ease in all the areas of physical, mental and emotional health. We are more peaceful and it is much easier to feel open and caring to all others, accepting ourselves and other people for who they are – flaws and all. We are stronger in our core energy so we are not influenced as much by outer circumstances or other people’s reactions. Keeping our chakras clear and balanced is one way to live a more authentic and empowered life.
With intention Reiki can clear any stuck or stagnant energy in the chakras by removing lower thoughts, feelings, fears and energies that keep us stuck. Reiki is a very gentle and relaxing way to bring your chakras into better balance.
What to expect from Reiki and Energy Healing
If this is the first time you have received a Reiki or energy healing you may not know what to expect. The process is very simple and relaxing. The client is asked to lie on a massage table fully clothed except for their shoes, the lights are dimmed and relaxing music is playing. The practitioner will lightly place their hands on different areas of the body to direct the flow of energy. The practitioner will use their intuition and the intention of the client to guide them. Reiki energy is very intelligent and goes where the client needs it most within the body regardless of the hand placement. This is one of the most wonderful parts of Reiki.

Immediately following a session, the client is generally very relaxed and peaceful. The client usually notices the following:
✔️ Sense of peace and well being
✔️ Deep relaxation and calm throughout the body
✔️ Reduction in pain and stress
Reiki corrects energy imbalances so a shifting of energy within the body may occur. Old energies are released from the body as the body is filled with higher vibrational more positive energy.
After a session
➙ Drink Plenty of Water
➙ Get Plenty of Rest
➙ Allow Yourself Some Extra Space to Process Emotions and Contemplate New Awareness